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Client Stories

Zoe Wilkes

Zoe is a Copywriter who works with female entrepreneurs in the sustainability space, supporting them to reach their audience through creative copy. She is particularly passionate about providing a 360-degree service, supporting clients all the way through, from discovering their brand tone of voice to crafting copy that converts.

Why did Zoe come to me?

Zoe came to me as a freelancer who was overwhelmed with too much work and not enough time or financial reward to make it viable. She was saying ‘yes’ to everything, taking on project after project without taking the time to focus on her business model and how she could make it work for her lifestyle. The pandemic had blown up her business, with many people moving online and the need for copy growing ever-greater. However, feeling overloaded and lacking in confidence, Zoe was unable to give her clients the focus she wanted.

What did we do?

Using 1:1 Coaching (Sprints), we deciphered Zoe’s message and her USP, crafting her personal brand statement as a means to help her grow her business but also to niche down and filter out the clients she no longer wanted to attract. 

We addressed her limiting beliefs, giving her the courage to change her business model and charge greater fees for her work. 

Using a holistic method, we brainstormed ways she could succeed in business and have the lifestyle out of work she truly wanted.

In doing so, we came up with a business model and time management system for her to put into action outside of the sessions.


Within one week of working together, Zoe raised her prices and converted all of her clients onto her new business model, doubling her income in the process. Through our work together, she has:

Increased her income exponentially 

Become aware of what her strengths are and how she can stand out as more than just another in her industry

Tackled her limiting beliefs around ‘worth’, feeling more sure of services and the value in her offering

Created a lifestyle where she has time to do the things she loves outside of work, leaving behind ‘hustle’ culture

An efficient time management and task system, allowing her to be more ‘in the flow’ so she can be productive and give greater energy to her clients

THE 6 M’s

We focused on Zoe’s Message, Model, Mindset and Management during our time together. In just a short space of time, we defined what made her business different, pushing her into the changemaker/entrepreneur mindset. This, in turn, gave her the confidence to challenge her limiting beliefs, changing her business model for the better. 


1:1 Coaching (Sprints)


“I had heard amazing things about Hannah before working together, but no testimonial could do our session justice; she truly blew my mind. In just a short amount of time, she was able to decipher my niche and audience, expressing it in a way that I had never found the words for (ironic as a copywriter!). 

Hannah also tweaked my business model, supporting me to DOUBLE my monthly revenue within a week of our session. Not only did she create a mammoth difference in my life financially, but she also gave me a tremendous amount of confidence, reminding me of the value I provide to my clients. I came out feeling empowered and ready to create change. 

She is more than just a personal branding coach; she is the mentor you need to take the next step in your business and life. Truly life-changing!”